Máy chủ Server Dell PowerEdge R510 - X5670 SATA

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Máy chủ Server Dell PowerEdge R510 - X5670 SATA LIÊN HỆ TƯ VẤN SẢN PHẨM

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Giới thiệu chung về máy chủ Server Dell PowerEdge R510 - X5670 SATA :

Right Sized, Flexible Technology & Business Value

  • The R510 can serve the needs of small and medium businesses or corporate environments by providing an excellent platform for core business applications such as Microsoft® SQL Server® and Microsoft® Exchange.
  • The R510 includes a number of features designed to meet the needs of many IT environments:

·         Advanced systems management capabilities

·         Short and dense 24-inch chassis

·         High availability and redundancy features

·         Cost-effective RAID option

·         Large amounts of internal storage capacity

  • Dell aims to add value to your business by including the features you need for your unique IT environment. Our goal is to deliver value through tailored solutions based on industry standards, as well as purposeful, innovative design.

Thông số kĩ thuật của máy chủ Server Dell PowerEdge R510 - X5670 SATA :

+ Processors     

  • Intel®  Xeon®  processor 5500 and 5600 series
  • Six-Core Intel®  Xeon®
  • Quad-Core Intel®  Xeon®

+  Chipset        

  • Intel 5500 chipset


+  Memory       

  • Up to 128GB12 (8 DIMM slots) 1GB/2GB/4GB/8GB/16GB DDR3 800MHz, 1066MHz or 1333MHz.
  • 16GB2 Quad-Ranked 1066MHz DIMMs-Support for LVDIMM.

+  Operating Systems 

  • Microsoft®  Windows®  Small Business Server 2008

  • Microsoft®  Windows®  Essential Business Server 2008

  • Microsoft Windows®  Server 2008 SP2, x86/x64 (x64 includes Hyper-VTM )

  • Microsoft Windows®  Server 2008 R2, x64 (includes Hyper-VTM  v2)3

  • Microsoft®  Windows®  HPC Server 2008

  • Novell®  SUSE®  Linux Enterprise Server

  • Red Hat®  Enterprise Linux


+  Storage        

Hard Drive Options:

  • 3.5" SATA(7.2K RPM): 160GB1, 250GB1, 500GB1, 1TB1, 2TB1

  • 3.5" Near Line SAS(7.2K RPM): 500GB1, 1TB1, 2TB1

  • 3.5" SAS(15K RPM): 146GB1, 300GB1, 450GB1, 600GB1

  • 3.5" SAS (10K RPM): 600GB1

  • 2.5" SAS (10K RPM): 146GB1, 300GB1

  • 2.5" SATA SSD: 25GB1, 50GB1, 100GB1


Maximum Internal Storage:

  • Up to 8TB1 4 hard drive chassis

  • Up to 16TB1 8 hard drive chassis

  • Up to 24.6TB1 12 hard drive chassis


+  Embedded Network Controller    

  • One Dual-Port Broadcom 5716 Gigabit NICs


+  Drive Bays  

  • 4 hard drive chassis: Up to four cabled 3.5" SAS or SATA drives

  • 8 hard drive chassis: Up to eight hot swap 2.5”/ 3.5" SAS, SATA or SSD drives

  • 12 hard drive chassis: Up to 12 hot-swap 2.5"/3.5" SAS, SATA, or SSD drives with 2 additional 2.5" internal cabled hard drives


+  Slots 

4 PCIe G2 slots:

  • One x8 slot

  • Two x4 slot (both w/ x8 connectors)

  • One Storage x4 slot (w/ x8 connector)


+  RAID Controllers (optional)


  • PERC H200 (6Gb/s)

  • PERC H700 (6Gb/s) with 512MB Non-Volatile cache

  • PERC H700 (6Gb/s) with 512MB battery-backed cache

  • SAS 6/iR

  • PERC 6/i with 256MB battery-backed cache

  • PERC S100 (software based, available for 4-HDD configuration)

  • PERC S300 (software based, available for 4-HDD and 8-HDD configurations)



  • PERC H800 (6Gb/s) with 512MB Non-Volatile cache

  • PERC H800 (6Gb/s) with 512MB of battery-backed cache

  • PERC 6/E with 256MB or 512MB of battery-backed cache


External HBAs (non-RAID):

  • 6Gbps SAS HBA

  • SAS 5/E HBA



+  Optional Communications 

  • Intel 10G Base-T Single Port NIC

  • Broadcom®  BMC5771 10 Base-T Copper Single Port NIC

  • Intel PRO/ 1000 PT Single Port Adapter, Gigabit Ethernet NIC, PCIe x1

  • Intel PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter, Gigabit, Copper, PCIe x4

  • Intel Gigabit ET Dual Port Adapter, Gigabit Ethernet NIC, PCIe x4

  • Broadcom®  NetXtremeTM  5709 Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet NIC, Copper, w/TOE PCIe x4

  • Broadcom®  NetXtremeTM  5709 Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet NIC, Copper, TOE/iSCSI PCIe x4

  • Intel PRO/1000 VT Quad Port Server Adapter, Gigabit, Copper, PCIe x4

  • Intel Gigabit ET Quad Port Adapter, Gigabit Ethernet NIC, PCIe x4


+  Power          

4 hard drive configuration:

  • Non-redundant 480W power supply


8 and 12 hard drive configruation:

  • 750W redundant and non-redundant hot-plug power supply


+  Availability  

  • Hot-swap hard drives, redundant power, ECC memory, Quad-Pack LED or LCD screen (depending on chassis)


+  Graphics      

  • Matrox G200eW w/ 8MB


+  Chassis        

4 and 8 HDD Chassis

  • 3.40 H x 17.19 W x 24.00 D (in)

  • 86.4 H x 436.6 W x 609.6 D (mm)


12 HDD Chassis

  • 3.42 H x 17.53 W x 26.17 D (in)

  • 86.7 H x 445.2 W x 664.6 D (mm)


+  Management           

  • Dell OpenManageTM  featuring Dell Management Console

  • BMC, IPMI 2.0 compliant

  • Lifecycle Controller enabled via optional: iDRAC6 Express, iDRAC6 Enterprise and Vflash

  • Unified Server Configurator


+  Rack Support         

  • ReadyRailsTM  sliding rails for 4-post racks with support for optional cable management arm, or ReadyRailsTM  static rails for 4-post and 2-post racks


+  Acoustics     

Typically configured4 3.5" cable chassis in 23 ± 2 °C ambient

  • Idle 4-HDD: LwA-UL5 = 5.4 bels; LpA6 = 40 dBA

  • Idle 8-HDD: LwA-UL5 = 5.6 bels; LpA6 = 42 dBA


+  Regulatory and Environmental Compliance       

  • Regulatory Model: E12S (4/8 Hard Drives Configurations)
  • Regulatory Type: E12S001 (4/8 Hard Drives Configurations)
  • Regulatory Model: E13S (12 Hard Drives Configuration)
  • Regulatory Type: E13S001 (12 Hard Drives Configuration)

Product Safety, EMC and Environmental Datasheets

Dell Regulatory Compliance Home Page

Dell and the Environment



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